Futbol as Football Series: #CDSanturtziKE from the #TerceraDivision from #SanJorge in the #BasqueCountry of #Spain.
#TipOfTheHat to the folks who visited the blog from #Spain!
I dug through the different levels of Spanish Futbol and there are some coooool nicknames!
Such as #YellowSubmarine, #ClockworkCheddar, #ClockworkHazelnut, #Firmlanders -- I may have to go down those rabbit-holes in the future.
Plus, I haven't done a squad in my favorite color (or the accursed sports color from PURPLE! Digging into #CDSanturtzi's website (through the translate function) and looking for a nickname for the squad I learned the team is nicknamed the #PurpleOnes, #SpartaClub (first squads), and #Santurtzians. Their first kit is... UNIQUE! And that's in a GOOOOOOOD way!! I decided to use their camiseta design to see how it would look on a jersey. Part of my shtick is seeing how futbol shirts would possibly translate directly onto gridiron templates. Other times it's configuring what is there into something a bit different, or just reworking the whole daggum thing into somethine totally new. I did a bit of the first and second to come up with some concepts. I did a straight copy/paste to come up with a mine idea then I took some of the outlines from the original to create a shoulder cap/side panel then a yoke/side panel idea. For the 1-to-1 comparison, I went with a font design as similar to their kit as I could. For my off designs, I went with something with harder edges.
I only converted two of my designs from my "Generic" mock-ups to convert into my "Real World" designs. I went with #TNKD and the magic they can make with sublimation. Expect more concepts from the Spanish divisions soon! Fonts used: Numbers: Komika Title - Axis & H74 Ocelot Piss, Name on Back: Bolivia No Problem, Team Name: fs.hello
Futbol as Football Series: #LevideIF from the #GotlandsFotbollförbund from the island of #Gotland from #Sweden.
I came across Gotland and #LevideIF while searching through participants of the Island Games and members of the Confederation of Independent Football Associations.
#NonFIFA squads I discovered Gotland through this search and decided to dig a bit deeper into their competitions. This led me to Levide IF. Their squad badge is so neat! Not taking away from other teams on the island - just this one looked ready to go for a football helmet - And even to use on parts of the uniform. Their main kit made by #Nike POPS! It looks like FK Yakutia Yakut's main strip. Plus their secondary Black kit is killlllllllllller! Since I've already experimented with gradient stripes/gradient looks on uniforms and thought that might be too much to do too soon. Then I settled on the stylized stripe (can't remember the name of that style) for the front of the kit and the pants. I also used the branches from around the squad's badge to use as shoulder stripes. I also decided to scrap the helmet stripe and go with front/back TV Numbers. For my "Real World" mock-ups I chose Nike's Hypercool uniforms and was able to translate my #Generic look into a #RealWorld possiblity.
Futbol as Football Series: #GreveFodbold from the #Danish2ndDivision from #Denmark.
This is another tip of the hat to the guests we had from Denmark.
Denmark has a healthy #AmericanFootball heritage, so me doing a #FutbolasFootball concept in a way seems redundant (with my growing education of the AmFLs around the world!).
Has this stopped me? NO!
I dipped into Danish Divisions of Futbol and settled on the Danish 2nd Division squad Greve Fodbold because the city symbol on their badge would look great on a lid!
Plus their nickname is Den Blå Bølge (The #BlueWave #DenBlåBølge). I thought about redoing the Fighting Green Wave from Tulane/Narrows HS (VA)/Ashbrook HS (NC) to put on the uniform...
I passed on it, so I'll show you here -- cause I'm nutty like that!
I found a cool minimalist wave from and it has become a nice shoulder symbol.
For both my "Generic" and "Real World" mock-ups I adapted the collar design from the Greve Fodbold Ladies' squad. @grevefodboldkvinder
I kept the pant stripe and helmet stripe simple. I tried using a wave style pant stripe and I changed my mind. There's enough going on with the helmet and shoulder design that I went simple.
Since Hummel does their real world futbol kit, I was thinking which American Football kit manufacturer I could go with. After two minutes of deliberation, I settled on #AlphaPerformance. I have been following their designs and I seriously hope they get a bigger foothold in the sporting world! I like Nike's uniforms, I am fine with some of what UnderArmour does, Adidas... they have some good uniforms. The #A is doing some big things in the European leagues and hopefully they can get a few more teams here in the US and could hang with the big 3 manufacturers and could surpass Russell.
I went with their V8 pants and their V9 jerseys. Check out England's national Gridiron squad who flosses in Alpha V9 outfit system. Throw in #SaarlandHurricanes, #SchwäbischHallUnicorns, #AFCBiennaJets, #WasaRoyals, #FortBendStorm. I also placed #Sjaelland's logo on the back of the helmet and used Denmark's alternative flag on the jerseys. Font Used: New Athletic M54, Wordmark: Gentlemanly and Excelsior Sans.
Futbol as Football Series: #AlBaqaaClub from the #JordanLeague of #Jordan
Another #TipOfTheHat to our visitor from the country of #Jordan.
I dug into the teams from the top two tiers and settled upon the Al Baqa'a Club due to their nickname, "The Black Horse". The team has had pretty basic looking kits and this year's #Jako kits have a bit of simple piping on the front.
This seemed to be a squad where I could go completely experimental and see what happens.
I created an total EXPERIMENTAL yoke (Hat tip to my buddy #C+ I did use your designs as inspiration for this concept).
WHOA! I'm not sure if I'm sold on that design yet it is eye catching...
I hope
I then created a second Yoke design with a gradient #Hummel-style chevron running down the shoulders with a double piping on the "Generic Concept". In the past I've used Rawlings and Wilson as "Real World" corollaries, yet neither one had a good crossover template to be used with my Generics. I could have used UnderArmor yet I chose to go with an outfit from #Austria called #KNoah. Seing some of their work across Denmark (Søllerød Gold Diggers), Germany (Many teams across different levels of #AmericanFootball), Czech Republic (Ostrava Steelers), and I was impressed.
For my extremely experimental design I used K-Noah's Performance Basic Jersey with their Proline Game Pants FGP07. For my less experimental concept I went with K-Noah's Proline Game Jersey FGJ01 / Proline Game Pants FGP04.
The helmet logo I purchased from #Fotosearch and adapted it for this concept.
Fonts Used: Name on Back - Ara Hama Zanki, Team Name on Front - HSN Golden, Numbers - The Black Veil Pro.
Futbol Concept as Football Series: #OMobile Concept created by #BigserSport from #Kyrgyzstan
This is a mega #ThankYou to all the folks from Kyrgyzstan who have followed me on Instagram!
You can do that here: ObnoxityDesigns This is a particular thank you to Bigser Sport for the follow, as well. I was traversing through their photos on Instagram and saw their concept which they made for O! Mobile. The hexagon/honeycomb design is #TopNotch! So, I had to see how it would look as a football concept (more of non-#NFL/#NCAA/#CFL look) and ooooooooo - it's a keeper! I also did a NCAA/NFL/CFL complaint and this is a route that #GeorgiaTech needs to consider. They have created a honeycomb helmet, which is a FAVORITE of mine, and I think they've done a honeycomb jersey, and if they were to take a hint of how to do the next one - they need to check out Bigser's concept for future reference. My "Generic Concept" I toned down the colored honeycombs since I overlayed the numbers on them. For my "Real World" concepts I adapted #AllesonAthletic's Fly Route Jersey & Trenches Pant concepts and I placed the Bigser Sport symbol on top to show who made the original concept. I kept a Hexagon base on the uniforms in a similar vein of Adidas' designs for Miami (FL) and many other squads.
Also, I call the pink which O! Mobile uses "Scalding Hot Pink" (#ScaldingHotPink) instead of #HotPink. It's that bright - so don't stare directly into the uniforms.
If you're from Kyrgyzstan, or from anywhere else, and want me to try to adapt for #GridIron please let me know! Fonts used: Name on Back - Kulag, Piximisa for the 1 and CAT North for the 0, Company name on back - Womby.